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School of Sanctuary Award
Ofsted Good Provider
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Rights Respecting School Award
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Curriculum Statement

Vision Statement


Committed to providing a nurturing and supportive environment where all can be inspired to grow and flourish. 

Curriculum Intent

Our aspirational curriculum provides pupils with the skills and knowledge that allows them to successfully navigate the world around them and beyond – becoming global citizens. Our curriculum enables pupils to make deep and meaningful connections giving children the foundations to succeed through academic excellence and personal development; contributing to society and making a positive change in people’s lives.

Underpinning the curriculum are our school values:

  • Be a true community school by working together to make a difference 

  • Ensure everyone is included, respected, inspired and valued  

  • Be Child Centred – Put our children first 

  • Motivate, engage and inspire ALL through a well-developed curriculum 

  • Forward thinking – Getting the most out of every learning opportunity 

  • Set an example to those around us by being the best version of ourselves 

  • Celebrate success, achievement and landmarks 

  • Always promote good attendance and punctuality 

  • Always have a ‘can do’ attitude and have high expectations for ourselves and others 

  • Build relationships based on trust and mutual respect  

  • Committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of ALL 

  • Receptive to challenge and change 

  • Contribute to a positive day in any way you can – if you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours

Curriculum Implementation

At WHFCS our curriculum is taught through a flexible themed approach with many enrichment activities and thoughtful experiences included in order to support all pupils gaining the knowledge and skills outlined in the national curriculum. All subjects have been carefully reviewed and while some subjects are taught discretely or as a ‘block’ unit others have been woven together to support our aim to provide the enriched, broad and balance curriculum our pupils deserve. Our curriculum allows pupils to showcase their knowledge and skills in a range of ways. It also ensures that the physical health, mental health and well-being of our pupils are met. Our curriculum is implemented through careful planning, teaching, assessment and feedback. We structure our curriculum to meet its intent in ways which will encourage children to meet our vision statement and values.

Curriculum Impact


Through our clear intent, and our structured implementation of the curriculum, we strive for all of our children to be successful and the impact will be evident through the children. Children will:

  • Uphold the values of the school

  • Make strong academic progress

  • Enjoy learning and continue to be lifelong learners

  • Be physically healthy

  • Have good mental health and wellbeing

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