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Physical Education

PE & Sport at WHF


PE and sport is a fundamental part of the student curriculum at Welsh house farm, it is extremely popular and delivers a platform for the children to be “Inspired to grow and flourish”. 


An extensive, detailed curriculum allows the students to experience a wide range of sports, and develop life skills to allow them the chance to flourish in competitive situations and attain knowledge of a healthy physical lifestyle.  


The national curriculum for Physical Education, and what we ensure all students acquire from the curriculum is: 


  1. Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities  

  2. Are physically active for sustained periods of time   

  3. Engage in competitive sports and activities   

  4. Lead healthy, active live 


The learning and teaching of Physical Education at Welsh House Farm aims to develop children’s knowledge of a healthy body, and how physical activity contributes to a balanced healthy lifestyle. PE provides opportunities for students to develop intellectually, socially, emotionally and physically through a range of team, group and individual experiences and opportunities. 


Our aim is to inspire students through sport, and we give students a range of sporting opportunities and experiences. We ensure all our students have the opportunity to represent the school in intra-school sport competitions and compete in our inter-school sports competition: The Welsh Cup. At Welsh House farm, we encourage students to participate in out-of-school sports activities, and we celebrate their achievements and success.    


We ensure all students have access to sporting experiences, including providing them with the opportunity to attend events and witness top-level athletes competing in a range of sports, as well as providing them the chance them to meet and learn from athletes who are top of their sporting field, and participate in activities run but outside agencies and professional clubs to ensure that every student has a positive experience of sport.  


Primary school experiences are pivotal to the student’s future perception of physical activity, and we believe that students leave our school equipped to enjoy sport, as well as understanding its health and social benefits. For those who relish the competitive element, they gain the skills, confidence and relevant experience to succeed at their chosen level and develop discipline in order to progress.  


For two consecutive years Welsh House Farm are delighted to achieve the Gold award for the School Games. We have also achieved Pathway to podium Gold award for two consecutive years. This fantastic achievement underlines the vision we have for PE and Sport at Welsh House Farm, and the importance placed on allowing all children to be “inspired to grow and flourish”. 

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