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Blog Post

Welcome Back Everyone!

It was just so lovely to be back at Welsh House Farm today! I stood at the gate with Mrs. Jay and loved seeing all of your smiling faces and all of the parents too. Even though it was raining, this did not dampen anyone’s spirits.

I was so happy to hear all the stories of your summer holidays – you have all been very busy and had lots of fun.

I must say that you all looked very smart in your uniforms, and it was great to see how excited you were to find your new classrooms and settle in.

I particularly enjoyed Mrs. Jay’s assembly – what a lovely song we all learned together!

I am really looking forward to working with you all over the next half term. Remember:

  • Always ask permission before stroking me

  • I like it when you let me smell your hand before you stroke me

  • Approach me slowly, don’t run up to me as sometimes this scares me

  • Approach me from the front so that I can see you

Thank you!

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