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School of Sanctuary Award
Ofsted Good Provider
Music Mark
Rights Respecting School Award
Quality Mark
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Resource Base

Teacher: Mrs Leaver



Teaching Assistant: Mrs Graham



Teaching Assistant: Mrs Duggins



Welcome to the Resource Base


Phonics/ Reading


As the children become more fluent in their reading, we really encourage them to read widely. We read a wide variety of books with the children every day and we are happy to reread favourite stories and non-fiction texts following the interests of the children.


As the children become more fluent in their reading, we really encourage them to read more widely.


We read with the children every morning, so all children should have their reading books, and reading diary, in school every day.




Children will have daily opportunities for writing, as part of the daily English lesson, topic work, personal learning or choice activities. There are many opportunities in the Resource Base to take part in exciting activities such as visiting the community garden, taking part in trips and visits or having workshops in school such as animal visits. As well as experiences we also write creatively using texts from all genres to inspire us.

In many of our English lessons we use colourful semantics to support understanding of grammar and sentence structure. We also use Talk for Writing which enables children to imitate the language they need for a particular topic orally, before reading and analysing it, and then writing their own version.




Children will be able to explore for themselves and be taught how to use different materials creatively and apply these skills in creating paintings, drawings, 3D art, textile work and digital art.


Children may immerse themselves in a range of characters from familiar stories by communicating their ideas using their artistic skills. They may also work from a pattern or model. The children will have opportunities to use collage techniques and colour washes to show their observations and to create 3D sculptures using plasticine, clay and junk modelling materials. It is important to note that individualism and creativity will be valued as well as technical outcomes.




Science – The children will explore and investigate different scientific concepts. They will learn key facts, new vocabulary and how to create an experiment. We will explore materials and their properties, investigate habitats and identify food chains and learn about what makes a healthy body.


Technology and Engineering – Children will explore Information technology around us, digital photography, Robot algorithms and creating music. In Design Technology, the children will take part in termly D.T projects and create a class exhibition at the end of term to be shared with the rest of school and parents. They will begin to design and make different products using a variety of simple tools, as well as using a variety of materials (including textiles) to create. Through cooking, they will explore the principles of a balanced diet and produce some simple recipes.


Mathematics - The children will use both manipulatives such as numicon, unifix cubes and counters and representatives such as part-whole models, bar models or arrays to help develop their analytical and mathematical skills. The teaching of mathematics is organised by following the White Rose scheme, and then personalised and adapted to the needs of pupils learning within the Resource Base.

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